Saturday, February 11, 2006

Fear and Terror are Partners

John Bruni's article in the last Sunday Mail concerning, what price do we put on freedom? .. is a sad reflection on our democracy.

I would like to clarify what looked like misrepresentation in that article. The editor of Jyllands-Posten, has clearly stated his aim of publishing the anti terrorist cartoons. My real concern is why Mr Bruni is prepared to so easily sweep freedom under the carpet.

Carsten Juste, the Danish paper’s editor, said "...the cartoons were a test of whether the threat of Islamic terrorism had limited the freedom of expression in Denmark."

I guess it is up to the reader to decide if that is the case.

My experience with people who would be bullies, is that you confront them before they develop a habit and an organised power base. Bullies rely on apathy or fear to allow them to pick off defenceless minorities. I guess in this we are destined to always be too late.

However, there is hope. In the poll taken in the democratic nation of Denmark indicated a 57% support for the Jyllands-Posten’s decision to publish the cartoons.

Somehow, being Australians, where the majority of us do not bow to extreme religious attitudes, should entitle us to draw a satirical sword and cut through the terrorist's cloak of "religious sensitivity". At least it is a subject worth honestly debating, if not satirising.


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