Friday, August 27, 2004

It's sad but important to remember the grand old veterans

It is sad to remember when Axis forces engulfed Europe, Russia, Africa, Asia
and threatened Australia, the US and British Allies ended the ethnic
cleansing and enslavement. When communist North Korea and China swept
through Korea, taking by force what they could not win by diplomacy, the
backbone of resistance were US, British and Australians.

These wars ended with countries eventually regaining sovereignty at a
terrible cost of US, British and Allied lives. How many more of our veterans
would still be hear today if the determination to stop evil began sooner
rather than later?

The papers of the day were full of smug isolationists who said "who cares
it's not our country - yet." Is the world now full of democratic nations
who respond to talk? Sadly, the “I’m all right jack” tendency of past
leaders is evident in some so called new leaders.

Will new leaders of tomorrow be brave enough to extend their philosophy to
people overseas who are starving, because they are not on our shores why
should we care?

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

We need the revenue from GST

Published: Adelaide Advertiser Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I Refer to the letter by Peter Rodda (The Advertiser, 13/8/04) and thank him for raising one of the key reasons why we needed the GST. Australia's ageing population, with its former relaince on income tax, would not have met social programs required by the growing proportion of pensioners.

This is a real scare never discussed by leftist propoganda.

Equally, the bankrupt administration of the last Labor government had led to dismal employment growth, in particular for entry level jobs. So the GST, which incidentally is cash flow neutral, is just part of a package that has removed several hidden taxes off the back of my export-based small business.

Along with more flexible employment conditions, this has allowed me to employ more people, both at entry and senior level.
The extra taxes we and many others such as us are now generating, assisted by John Howard's good economic management, is paying for the biggest budget spend on health, environment and social welfare since Federation.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Latham's FTA Furphy

First Published: The Advertiser Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Why does Federal Labour persist in scare campaigns that impact the most disadvantaged in our community?

Last election Labour told us the GST would destroy the economy. The economy has never been healthier despite drought, Asian recessions, rising oil prices and SARS.

This election Labour tells us the price of generic medicines will increase because of the FTA with America? The leading Australian generic manufacturers have all said this is a complete furphy.

Canada has retained their cheaper generic medicines after years of FTA with their US neighbour. Even the Labour state premiers see that the FTA has long term benefits for Australia. It is time for Latham to consider Australian interests ahead of his election hopes and move on.

Additional comment February 21, 2005 - The stuggle to obtain low cost prescription medications continues in USA see: .