Monday, January 31, 2005

Value of Liberty

Published in Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 1st February

Dear Editor,

News of an Iraqi man who arrived early at a city polling station and told waiting reporters he wanted to vote first so that he might break the cycles of violence is an incredible example of courage. It is a statement against tyranny that despite deadly attacks from terrorists, there was a significant voter turnout in Iraq.

The Iraqi people have staked their lives on building a democracy as a start to achieving world security and peace. The belief that a democratic nation will offer their children choice and the opportunity for a higher quality of life has sustained their courage.

Thomas Jefferson once said "Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty" He also later said "Those who give up liberty in order to gain security will not have nor do they deserve either one."
The Iraqi people deserve Australia's support to make this stand for liberty and world peace.